The Silver Serpent – Released!

The Silver Serpent – Released!

(Originally Published on 22/08/21) 

I am super happy to announce the release of my first ever book on Amazon! Available Here.


What’s it about? Here is the back cover blurb:

The Silver Serpents, an eleven-man party of manhunters and monster slayers think they have seen everything that the Void, the hostile alien dimension overlapping their own has to offer.

They haven’t.

Quinn, a fresh-faced probationary Silver Serpent running from his past, thinks his female companion called Sae is but an ordinary bar waitress from one of the nameless corners of Danneish.

She isn’t.

The villagers of the mysterious swampy town of Parikca’ Te Mo think they will be able to flee their recently cursed village should any Voidling danger emerge from beyond the swamps, from out of the infested hell hole called the Deep Woods.

They shall not have the chance.

A storm is brewing in the Deep Woods, a fight of the ages impending between what is mortal and immortal. Humanity shall pick its champion and so will the alien. All will be decided by cold steel and a single tall tale, waiting to be told.

Is there going to be more?

You bet ya! The Silver Serpent novella is a companion book to an in-development epic-style medieval sci-fi series. In total there will be three full-length novels that this novella will accompany. The Silver Serpent book is actually 1.5 in the lineup, as it’s written by an in-universe character after the end of the first book and before the start of the second. The first book in the series while fully written and is past the first draft of the manuscript, (422,000 words) still has a way to go to get it to 100%. For this reason, I thought it would be best to release this much shorter novella which still serves as a great entry point into the series.

The immortal man called Quinn has a lot more adventures and dangers to face, I assure you!


A Special thank you to:

Jake Reston – For his fantastic work on the book’s cover art.

Sam Wright – For his Mechanical Editing work.

Jesse (rocjib1) – For his Copy Editing and advice.

Adrienne Rosado – For her Developmental Editing.


Without you all this book would have never gotten to where it is today!

Jeremy Pesch

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